Monday, May 19, 2014

Altasterol Caffeine Pro + & Mental Alertness

ALTASTEROL CAFFEINE PRO+ of Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris is a stimulant that can help to maintain alertness and make you feel less tired. It contains guarana and caffeine, a stimulant that can help you remain mentally alert and  feel more awake. Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ tablets are also for acute conditions of fatigue.

A recent study conducted by the Division if Sleep Medicine at the Bingham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, investigated the effectiveness of caffeine in aiding mental altertness when the patient was kept awake for long periods of time. The study found that caffeine did indeed cause a marked difference in the mental altertness of the patients during the waking periods. In addition the patients were able to stay completely awake for longer periods of time. The study concluded that taking low doses of caffeine over a prolonged of time was helpful in increasing mental altertness when one needs to be awake for a considerable amount of time.

Another study performed at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands looked at how moderate amounts of caffeine affected brain function and overall mental alertness. The study found that caffeine did improve the brain function without negatively affecting non-related portions of the brain and the patients’ health.

Many people, opt for teas, colas and chocolate, in their search for caffeine, the benefits of which they are very much aware of. What they don’t really know is the range of amounts of caffeine in  different products.
While 1 Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ tablet contains 100 mg of the active ingredient caffeine (2 tablets – extra strength 200mg),

1 serving of brewed coffee – 120 mL - contains 67 mg of caffeine;
1 serving of coffee espresso  – 28 mL - contains 50 mg of caffeine;
1 soft-drink of coca-cola – 355 mL – contains 34 mg of caffeine;
1 tea-drink, leaf or bag – 120 mL – contains 25 mg of caffeine;
1 green-tea – 120 mL – contains 15 mg of caffeine;
1 bar of dark chocolate – 43 g – contains 31 mg of caffeine;
1 bar of milk chocolate – 43 g – contains  10 mg of caffeine.

Obviously anyone who drinks coffee, teas, colas or eats chocolate on a regular basis is to reduce his dosage of Altasterol Caffeine Pro +.  The caffeine quality found in the Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ is of pharmaceutical quality and since it is presented in its pure form, it acts very fast. The caffeine quality in Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ is also much better than the caffeine found in many coffees. The fact that the caffeine is in its pure form also guarantees its safety.

Increased mental alertness is definitely beneficial to business people or students or anybody involved in competitive activity. Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ relieves stress and lowers anxiety, and this gives an advantage to anyone involved in business negotiations or other intense mental activity. It should also be helpful to anyone who has to work or study late into the night, or sharpen his concentration when fatigue is begins to tell.
Altasterol Caffeine Pro+ should not be used for long periods of time and is not a substitute to a good night’s sleep.

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